SEORadar WordPress Plugin & API
WordPress Plugin
- If you use WordPress, then all you need to do is install the plugin to assure we monitor all your posts. The plugin will tell us when new pages or posts have been added, changed or deleted. Any changed content will be audited in the next crawl. You can find these under “On Demand URLs”. No need to worry about new content not getting audited.
- Editors can easily change things that can inadvertently hurt SEO. Either by changing Titles, Headers, URLs or changing a setting with one of the SEO plugins (meta robots, redirects). If you use our plugin, we will keep an eye on it for you.
- In addition, if you use the Yoast plugin we will also pull in the focus keyword. Coming soon will be specific alerts if the focus keyword is removed from titles and headers.
- You should still monitor a set of URLs on a regular basis to catch global changes that impact all pages.
- You can download the plugin over here. Go to the plugins page in WordPress page, select “Add New” and “Upload”.
- You can grab your API authorization token over here on the setting screen. You just need to configure that on the SEORadar plugin screen.
The API is available for enterprise-level integrations. It is quite simple to implement. You essentially ping us whenever a page is added, updated or deleted. Email us for more info about the API.
Other CMS’s
If you have a favorite CMS or e-commerce platform that you would like us to integrate with, let us know!